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João Barreto

Partnering With Startups

João Barreto who heads up the Nestlé Hatcher sheds light on how corporates and startups can contribute to each other’s success.

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João Barreto is a business management professional with over 12 years of experience in different countries and industries. Currently working at Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region, he recently launched the Nestlé Hatcher, an open innovation platform that develops business solutions, connects corporates with startups and supports entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses.

João contributes to the growth of innovation ecosystems and their talent by inspiring corporate leaders to invest and support new ventures that can positively impact their own businesses.


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About This Recipe


Corporate companies’ size and their extensive processes and systems simultaneously underpin their success and prevent them from adapting to the changing environment. An injection of agility, fresh thinking and insight in tech innovations are some of the ways in which startups can add value to corporates, according to João Barreto from Nestlé Hatcher.

He highlights the ability to communicate and a willingness to learn from each other as non-negotiable requirements for a fruitful partnership, and explains the importance of seemingly small gestures when it comes to building mutual respect.

João reminds entrepreneurs that the effort you put into finding and approaching the right person will be seen as an indication of the effort you will put into the collaboration. Doing your homework is therefore never a waste of effort.

What You'll Learn


The recipe acknowledges the imbalance between corporates and startups, especially in terms of financial and human resources, while clearly stating the factors that help level the playing field.

You will learn the conditions that make successful collaboration possible, how to find the right corporate contacts, and the best way to structure your pitch and prepare for that first meeting.

Valuable advice includes not following up every day on your proposal but allowing the corporate processes to unfold, not asking for money in the first five minutes, and always being honest and transparent.


Learn from someone who speaks from a position of real authority, perspective and experience.


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This entrepreneurial micro-course will take you only a few minutes per day (or you can binge if you want to). Feel free to skip around and please let us know what you think. 

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Deep Cuts 

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